S U N | O C T 1st
Francine & Finch BookstoreCelebrating Carolina Hotchandani’s book: The Book Eaters
Lincoln, NE | 3:30pm

S A T | A P R 1 5th
Larksong Writer’s PlaceLincoln, NE | 3:00-5:00pm

M O N | M A R 1 3th
Mother Foucault’s BookstorePortland, OR | 5:00-6:30pm
S A T | M A R 1 1th
A Reading Celebrating Four New Collections by UNL PoetsAWP Bookfair Stage
Seattle, WA | 12:15-1:30pm

F R I | M A R 1 0th
Off-site Reading with Persea and Alice James BooksRazzi’s Pizzeria Downtown
Seattle, WA | 6-8pm

W E D / T H | F E B 1st & 2nd
Virtual Celebration Poets&Writers 18th Annual Debut Poets

F R I | O C T 7th
Reading & Book DriveFrancie & Finch Book Store
Lincoln, NE | 5:30pm CST
Featuring Trey Moody, Ryan Boland, and Bianca Swift
W E D | S E P T 1 4th
ReadingDundee Book Company
Omaha, NE | 7pm CST
Featuring Trey Moody and Liz Kay
F R I | J U L Y 1st
Book LaunchKiechel Fine Art
Lincoln, NE | 6-8pm CST
Featuring Jamaica Baldwin, Katie Schmid, and DJ HairBrain.
Virtual option will be available.

T H | A P R I L 7th
Salamander Issue #53 Virtual ReadingRegistration link here.
6-7pm EST